Isolyser®/SMS® Sharps Management System 50% off.

Simply provide us your contact information and we will provide you a quote for your practice. 50% off and that price is guaranteed for 2 years. Below is the list of sizes and cost per case at 50% off.

Isolyser/SRS800- 1 Quart size: Discounted Case (8 units)- $196.48

Isolyser/SMS2400- .8 Gallon: Discounted Case (6 units)- $222.19

Isolyser/SMS4000- 1.5 Gallon: Discounted Case (4 units)- $211.09

Isolyser/SMS10000- 2.7 Gallon: Discounted Case (2 units)- $157.23

No Contract and Free Shipping!

Offer not available for offices located in the following States: CT, DE, FL, MD, ME, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI and VA.


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